wget2 compilation for Linux x86_64


Vagrant virtual machine provisioning already contains wget2 compilation as its final stage. See Vagrant virtual Linux x86_64 machine for wget2 compilation.

wget2 compilation could be achieved through following steps:

  1. install required compilation tools, such as cc, ld, GNU make, etc.;

    See also

    Vagrant provisionning scripts.

    For details on packages, libraries and so on needed to provide required environment for wget2 compilation on Debian stable, see Vagrant virtual machine provisionning scripts, in project’s directory vagrant/bash/.

  2. clone wget2 git repository:

    # Clone repo. in eg. 'wget2-git-repo' dir.
    $ git clone https://gitlab.com/gnuwget/wget2.git wget2-git-repo
    # Put git working directory to latest tag
    $ cd wget2-git-repo
    $ git checkout "v2.0.0"
  3. bootstrap its development environment, through wget2 sources bootstrap script:

    $ cd wget2-git-repo
    $ ./bootstrap
  4. classic ./configure && make && make install for C project:

    $ cd wget2-git-repo
    # Set static libraries linking and install path, eg. in $HOME/wget2 dir.
    $ LDFLAGS="-static" ./configure --prefix=$HOME/wget2
    $ make
    $ make install
    # Result of compilation and installation now stands in $HOME/wget2
    $ ls $HOME/wget2
    bin  include  lib  share
    $ ls $HOME/wget2/bin
    wget2  wget2_noinstall