Project’s overview

At DirCom, we have numerous old websites to archive and/or turn into only static files (greatly simplifying their hosting stack and reducing their inherent security wholes). We started using wget for such statication.

wget2 is the new fresh branch of development of wget, and current project’s goal is to test if its new features could help us better than 1.x old branch.

Usually, such foundational tool is provided by your Linux distribution, but Debian-based ones have not yet integrated this new branch. It turns out that, at least at the time of writing of this documentation, we must compil project’s sources ourselves to get a fully usable binary on these platforms.

Hence usage of a virtual machine for hosting all needed material for this compilation, and automate its steps in some reproductible way. Using such automatticaly provisionned virtual machine also allows us to not pollute our work environment, and easy switch between Linux-based and Windows-with-WSL-based workstations.