Vincent Férotin's introduction website

Welcome on Vincent's professional website!


Working for the CNRS since 2011, as computer engineer (currently at Assistant-Ingénieur grade) across several positions, I experimented different functions: developer, web developer (backend); junior system administrator; technical author; information system security officier (CISO); project management assistant; academic network's co-animator; etc. My current position started at April 2021 at its Communications Department.

Until recently, I was also involved in craftsmanship networks aimed to share help and knowledge in computer engineering: involvement in local networks creations, information sharing on these networks' mailing-lists, co-creation, administration and leading of some of these mailing-lists, presentations at conferences, etc.

If you'd like some more synthetic and engaged presentation of my work, please let see slideshow material for Mathdoc (CNRS) audition (2019, fr.).