Cellule Énergie WordPress documentation

CNRS' Cellule Énergie WordPress instance needed to change how it was first edited, managed and hosted from its original laboratory. The Institute for Engineering and Systems Sciences requested the Communications Department to migrate its hosting, what I've done.

I rebooted the instance development, from its provided backups, in order to web-host it on CNRS' Offre de services. During transition, using DDEV localy, I have notably done:

  • project versionning and documenting,

  • upgrading versions of stack components (PHP, WordPress, its plugins and theme),

  • tweaking several integration and configuration parts, notably creating some new role and rebalancing capabilities,

  • asking for new e-mail addresses and mailing-lists,

  • enhancing instance security.

Hereafter stand links to HTML and PDF outputs of project's documentation, with personal and/or sensitive data redacted: