A (very) short intro. to mod_wsgi

Vincent Férotin, 2013-03-01
for the ARTFL project & PhiloLogic



  1. a bit of context on serving Python web applications
  2. some mod_wsgi configuration options
  3. current state with PhiloLogic4


I only use gunicorn for development, and a monolithic mod_wsgi configuration for prod. that “works for me”!

Serving a Python web app.

There are several ways to serve a Python web application:

Most tools require that you application conforms to the WSGI interface.


  • WSGI: “Python Web Server Gateway Interface”, described in PEP 3333 This is the current standard in Python’s world: conform to it, and let use your preferred tools!
  • Running PhiloLogic4 under Apache httpd mod_wsgi is a pragmatic goal. Probably, there is a bigger one which afford us this previous goal “for free”: allowing its full installation in a virtualenv:
    • allowing multiple installation of PhiloLogic4 in same O.S., e.g. at different versions
    • decoupling web templates installation from databases, e.g. for engine upgrade without touching them

System-wide VS virtualenv


Default relations numbers are 1.

Serving a WSGI app.

Given a WSGI application, it is possible to serve it in multiple ways:

  • development and tests: a standalone WSGI server should suffice (e.g. gunicorn, waitress)

    $ cd /var/www/philologic/mydb
    $ gunicorn dispatcher:philo_dispatcher
  • production: choose your stack, e.g.

    • nginx + (gunicorn | uwsgi)
    • [nginx +] apache + mod_wsgi

Apache httpd and Python

There are several ways to run some Python web application on a Apache web server:


  • Apache httpd module
  • created and maintained by Graham Dumpleton
  • feature full:
    • mature + decent performance
    • refresh app. without restart Apache, by touching WSGI file
    • daemon mode, which could work with virtualenv
    • numerous configuration options

=> http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/

Configuration (1)

  • WSGIScriptAlias, to link an URL to a WSGI app.

    WSGIScriptAlias /myapp /path/to/my/app/application.wsgi

    should offers access to app. from http://my.domain.tld/myapp

  • (probably needs) access to WSGI file:

    <Directory /path/to/my/app>
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all

Configuration (2)

  • WSGIDaemonProcess, to run app. in its own process:

    WSGIDaemonProcess mydomain-tld-myapp (...)


    recommended by G.D. instead of default embedded mode

    Some of its options:

    • processes & threads:

      WSGIDaemonProcess (...) processes=2 threads=5 (...)

Configuration (3)

  • (WSGIDaemonProcess continued)

    • user & group:

      WSGIDaemonProcess (...) user=work group=www-data (...)
    • maximum-requests:

      WSGIDaemonProcess (...) maximum-requests=1000 (...)

Configuration (4)

  • (WSGIDaemonProcess continued)

    • python-path:

      WSGIDaemonProcess (...) \

      which allows using a virtualenv!

      Given a fresh virtualenv (e.g. called myappvenv), it is possible to set python-path to its path value:

      WSGIDaemonProcess (...) \

Configuration (5)

  • link process group to WSGI parent dir. by its name:

    WSGIDaemonProcess mydomain-tld-myapp (...)
    <Directory /path/to/my/app>
        WSGIProcessGroup mydomain-tld-myapp
        WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

Full example

WSGIDaemonProcess mydomain-tld-myapp \
    processes=2 threads=5 \
    python-path=/path/to/myappvenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages \
    user=work group=www-data \
    maximum-requests=1000 \

<Directory /path/to/my/app>
    WSGIProcessGroup mydomain-tld-myapp
    WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all

WSGIScriptAlias /myapp /path/to/my/app/application.wsgi


There should be some tricky additional steps, such as:

  • setting good rights to paths;
  • setting path for default daemon process – but could not remember :-(
  • others? be careful…

PhiloLogic4 and mod_wsgi

  • It currently does not work (out of the box)!
  • It should, easily (already WSGI aware :-): it’s probably almost a application configuration problem (?). Pb closely related to succeeding in installing app. into a virtualenv?
  • Quick tests: putting a WSGI module into /var/www/philologic/mydb/, and trying to serve it either by gunicorn or mod_wsgi

Quick test (0) WSGI file

Given the following WSGI module, put into /var/www/philologic/mydb/app.py, next dispatcher.py and its friends (data/, templates/, etc.):

import sys

from dispatcher import philo_dispatcher as application

and its following link app.wsgi:

/var/www/philologic/mydb $ ln -s app.py app.wsgi

Quick test (1) gunicorn (app.py)

/var/www/philologic/mydb $ gunicorn app
[ERROR] Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/www/philologic/mydb/dispatcher.py", line 20, in philo_dispatcher
    yield getattr(reports, report or "navigation")(environ,start_response)
File "/var/www/philologic/mydb/reports/navigation.py", line 17, in navigation
    db, dbname, path_components, q = wsgi_response(environ,start_response)
File "/var/www/philologic/mydb/functions/wsgi_handler.py", line 18, in wsgi_response
    myname = environ["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]

Quick test (2) mod_wsgi (app.wsgi)

Internal Server Error

/var/log/apache2 $ tail error.log
mod_wsgi: Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/var/www/philologic/mydb/app.wsgi'.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/philologic/mydb/dispatcher.py", line 24, in philo_dispatcher
    yield reports.form(environ,start_response)
  File "/var/www/philologic/mydb/reports/form.py", line 11, in form
    return render_template(db=db,dbname=dbname,form=True, template_name='form.mako')
  File "/var/www/philologic/mydb/reports/render_template.py", line 12, in render_template
    template = Template(filename="templates/%s" % data['template_name'], lookup=templates)
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'templates/form.mako'

virtualenv installation test

Given virtualenvwrapper installed:

$ mkvirtualenv philologic
$ # virtualenv 'philologic' activated
$ # install libphilo
$ cd libphilo
$ make install exec_prefix=/path/to/virtualenvs/philologic
$ # install python bindings
$ cd ../python
$ python setup.py install
$ # install web application
$ cd ../www
$ pip install Mako BeautifulSoup

But… how pip install philologic-webapp?


  1. make PhiloLogic4 runnable under mod_wsi, and let web app. closed to a specific database, which probably only needs:
    • fix environment variables and paths
  2. and/or create an installable package for web app.
    • create a true Python package namespace (e.g. philologic.web), and use this namespace anywhere, instead of tweaking sys.path
    • write a dedicated setup.py, or merge into already existing philologic